
Do You Think Glo is The Best Data Service Provider in Nigeria? See This Statistics

Do you think glo still remain number one market leader in terms of providing data services? Read the statistics below; The telecommuni...

Have You Heard About MTN StartPack? Enjoy 500% Bonus on Every Recharge

MTN  is trying all possible means to regain back their lost customers. I know you’ll love this. MTN just introduced this new plan for new...

Get MTN 500MB for N25 All Night

Airtel  went back to sleep and Etisalat has been snoring for long, I hope someone wakes them up early enough… MTN just assumed the mantle ...

Etisalat Revised Data Plan, Get 1.5GB & 3.5GB at Cheaper Price

Etisalat is gradually waking up from their slumber; After  MTN  gave them a deadly wake up blow of revised data plan. I’m sure a lot of yo...